Degree life in the blink of an eye

Assalamualaikum , so hi ? Lama betul tinggal blog ni . Dahlah followers tak macam blog dulu :( Hahah nevermind since i created this blog to express my feelings & experience . Tunggu punya tunggu dah masuk pun degree . Pejam celik dah sebulan 8 hari gitu dekat USM . Kos yang aku ragu-ragu nak join tapi aku dah join pun . For now everything is in control . No homesick for sure .
As a building surveying student its really a surprise for me sebab kena draw like an architect . First project dah kena built up sculpture . Insane ! Tapi , alhamdulillah dengan bantuan daddy kita yang serba boleh akhirnya menjadi jugak sculpture aku tu ha . Sekarang dah proceed project 3 . 
My faculty is fun there is no doubt about that . I love the society here . Plus , it near my house luls . Why USM ? Sebab dekat kot ? Idk , its all about making my parent happy . Hopefully , this 3 years will make me a new person . The tough one for sure . A good surveyor in future . Got to go . See you :)


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